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Customer Experience

In the Local Government context ALGIM believes that delivering an excellent customer service is integral to organisational success and a customer centric approach should be applied in the design and delivery of services and in everyday interactions. We can provide a variety of consultancy services to ensure your council's customer service meets organisational goals and customer expectations.

Consultancy Services

ALGIM can assist with:

  • Identification of opportunities for improvement
  • Facilitation of study tours to experience what customer service excellence looks like in a similar setting
  • Building service design capability
  • Definition of a Customer Service Roadmap
  • Development of staff training

We are happy to provide professional and practical advice on all  Customer Service matters, and discuss more extensive consultancy work if required.

Contact us

If you're interested in any of our consultancy services, or would like to discuss further options, please email Barbara Whitton

Customer Experience Mystery Shop

Each year, ALGIM mystery shops every council in the country, giving you an idea of how your council's service compares with the rest of the country. An in-depth report is available for purchase which provides detailed findings.

                                          Learn more about the mystery shop

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