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Keeping your customer databases up-to-date is a challenge, which is why we’ve partnered with NoticeMATCH to help make this quicker and easier.

What does NoticeMATCH do?

When people pass away, most will receive at least 100 physical mail items in the year following, plus countless more electronically.

NoticeMATCH processes thousands of sources to provide your council with speedy notifications of when someone in your database has passed away.

Save time and money

● In order to be effectively notified about deaths you would need to purchase, read and process over 7,500 NZ newspapers, follow thousands of online sources each year and develop your own matching software.

Gain efficiencies

● Consistently purging your database/s of deceased ensures a true and accurate count of your constituents use of services.

● Response rates from direct marketing efforts increase

● Data decay due to death is addressed in real time and insights gleaned may benefit council.

Protect your reputation

● Not knowing, or delayed notification, exposes your council to reputational damage and missed opportunities.

● Your deceased customers can be listed in one or multiple databases including, rates, dogs, parking, and libraries.

Fast and timely

● NoticeMATCH records all available death sources throughout NZ via newspapers and other publicly available and online     sources. This consistently represents of over 90% of all deaths in the country.

● Most deaths are available for matching within 72 hours of death.

● It takes seconds to run a match of their death records against your customer database/s.

Secure and easy to implement

● Your client data never leaves your own environment

● Prepare a csv file of your customer database/s and keep it locally

● Operator training is undertaken in under 30 minutes.

More info on how it works

Timaru District Council Case Study

Kate Brinsdon, Justin Bagust, and Joy Burt of Timaru District Council

NoticeMATCH has been transforming business practice across all sectors and the first Council to trial and adopt was the Timaru District Council.

View case study

NoticeMATCH in the news

You can see an interview with Sue from NoticeMATCH on TV3's The AM Show at this link

ALGIM and NoticeMATCH Partnership

ALGIM believes in bringing digital solutions to address the problems that face councils every day. NoticeMATCH thinks the same way, which is why we’re partnering with them to bring their product to the local government sector.

This is a solution that ALGIM has seen and will benefit every council by speeding up your workflows, making the customer experience better, and improving your data quality.

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