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welcome to the National standardisation of local government processes

At ALGIM, we're committed to making things easier for council staff across Aotearoa New Zealand. One of the ways we're doing that is through our National Best Practice Process Standardisation Project.

This project will involve working alongside you - the experts - in identifying what processes you use every day in your role and collaborating to make them more efficient. Our aim is to help you achieve significant time savings, improve customer experiences, and streamline skill transfer, potentially saving millions across the sector.

Earlier this year we hosted a pilot workshop in Wellington where ten staff members came together and helped streamline processes, they use every day. From this, we successfully standardised three national standard processes, check them out here. This demonstrates that national standardisation of local government processes is achievable.

While we can help facilitate this project, we need your expertise to collaborate, build and create the processes for you.

Ready to make council processes better?

Standardising national processes is a big job, so what's in it for you?

  • Unique opportunity to collaborate, network, learn and shape a national response.
  • Invest time now to save time later.
  • Reduced cost and effort across all parties.
  • May cover numerous services at once.
  • Professional and transferable skill opportunities.
  • A pragmatic approach to reviews.
  • ALGIM does the heavy lifting for you.

We’ll be hosting several workshops focusing on various council processes and would like to gather your interest before working with you to set dates and locations.

If you, or someone in your team, is interested in participating, we need to hear from you. Then we can coordinate the next workshops and workstreams of processes to standardise.

Email your interest to

What 's next?

ALGIM is taking the lead role in owning, coordinating and supporting the initiative collaboratively with stakeholders across the board.

We are partnering with Council’s to build out an inventory of processes to deliver together, get in touch to jump on board. 

With sector buy-in, there will be huge savings in time, better customer experiences, and staff will develop easily transferable skills. The cost savings of utilising standard processes, but not necessarily the same systems, could be in the $millions across the sector. 


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