Many councils don't have up to date legal compliance processes - in the past you could get away with this. Learn how recent cases and law changes mean that having proper legal compliance programme is no longer just a good practice option - it's a legal requirement and essential element of due diligence.
About the Presenter:
David Woodnorth
Managing Director ComplyWith
David is a co-founder of ComplyWith, which is now New Zealand's leading online legal compliance platform. ComplyWith is used by more than 180 organisations, including most of New Zealand's regulators. Before starting ComplyWith, David practised law for over 12 years as a private practice litigator and an in-house lawyer. David has Law and Arts degrees from the University of Otago and a Masters of Law with first class honours from Victoria University of Wellington. David is driven by a passion for creating simplicity and clarity from the law’s complexity. “By making the law clear and accessible for people, we empower their organisations to know they are operating lawfully and where their legal risks are.”
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