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ALGIM Disposal Schedule Interpretation and Implementation Workshop

  • 17 Feb 2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 2:30 PM
  • Microsoft Teams



This workshop is designed for those that have already completed the ALGIM course Disposal of Local Authority Information and Records and are in the midst, or about to start implementation of the disposal schedule.

The focus will be on the practical interpretation and overarching implementation processes for the ALGIM disposal schedule.

About our presenter Kerri Siatiras, Siatiras Consulting

Kerri is an independent information and records management consultant with extensive experience as both a practitioner and consultant. Kerri was an owner and consultant with the successful independent consulting firm SWIM Ltd for 15 years during which time she helped develop the IM Toolkit with ALGIM. Kerri has continued her ongoing close association with ALGIM and the local authority sector through training and consulting services.

Online sessions – all run from 1:00pm - 2:30pm

  • Revisit how to read and understand the schedule
  • Revisit how to customise the schedule
  • Setting up your own ”implementation version”
  • Tips for mapping the disposal schedule to your taxonomy/classification structure
  • Implementation process overview
  • Exploring real world scenarios (these will be based on queries submitted by those registered prior to the workshop)

What you need to know

  • Session dates: Monday 17th February 2025 & Friday 21st February 2025
  • Please make sure that you have already completed the ALGIM Disposal of Local Authority Information and Records course.
  • Please ensure you have the latest version of the ALGIM Disposal Schedule module (BP06) downloaded and available for use.
  • Please supply us with questions/queries/issues you are facing with disposal implementation presently. Send your questions/queries/issues to at least two days before the course begins so we can discuss at the workshops.
  • We will use Microsoft Teams as the platform.
  • You will need a microphone and webcam/video as interaction with others on the course is necessary and strongly encouraged.
  • You will need a quiet space so there are no distractions for the participants.
  • Sessions are limited to 4 - 8 participants
  • You will receive an email with a link to each session.
  • We recommend you log in ten minutes before the training session starts to ensure that you can hear and see everything.

For any questions, please contact

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